Language difficulties of international students in Australia
1. Introduction
paper reviews clearlythe results of research conducted by Erlenawati sawir in
2002. The study carried out by sawir about the jurnal entitled international
language difficulties by students in Australia. Low English proficiency by students
in Australia that makes the problem. In general, this research is able to
describe problems and solutions that should be improved in the learning system.
2. Summary
hhas placed a growing importance on English language speaking and listening.
Prior research indicates that many international students from asia, studying
in Australia face serious learning difficulties and luck confidance in speaking
and taking a proactive role in classroom. The paper repots on data gathered in
interviews with students from five Asian Nations, which suggest that these
learning difficulties are granded in weaknesses in students. Globalisations
also entails the globalisations of education in the form of the expanding
market in cross-border study. When students from Asia countries enter
English-speaking nations , they must
adjust rapidly and learn fast, coping both academically and socially.
3. Critical
the journal created by Erlenawati Sawir the problem is about the difficulties
of English by Australian students, therefore this journal is also good to read
because it contains the right solustions for problems that should give the best
perfor-mance on this problem. This journal contains a background on how the
intersetof the international language it self will develop them selves in the
word ahead. The method used is also appropriate to be more efficient in
understanding the language it self. Theouthor gives new ideas to give good
4. Coclusion
1. Globalisations
and the use engllish in education and other sectors.
2. Students
prior English of this study, as reported
language learning experience has an impact on how well they can cope with the
academic requirement of the Australian university.
3. This
classroom practice appeared to have sneers shaped some learners belief that
grammar was the most important part of English language learning.
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